We continue to be prayerful for our church family as we select men to serve as elders.  Here is the timetable that our administrative committee comprised of Chuck Hummel, Aldine Cloud and Fred Lima will guide us through.

2014 Elder Selection Process Timetable

May 18: Elder Candidate nomination forms passed out and reviewed

June 8: Elder Candidate nomination phase completed at end of morning service

June 8 afternoon: Elder selection committee meets to tabulate results, and presents results to current Elders later that afternoon

June 9 through 14: Elder Candidate nominees are contacted to determine their interest and commitment to serve

June 22: Those indicating willingness to serve are placed before the congregation

July 2: Time period ends for any member who may have scriptural reasons why a particular Elder candidate should not serve, to use the June 22 thru July 2 period to discuss directly with Elder candidate first, and then if necessary with any current Elder

Affirmation forms distributed beginning July 6 and turned back in by Wednesday services, July 16

New Elders affirmed July 20

This past Sunday morning I shared some thoughts related to the important and noble task of shepherding the church.  You can hear this sermon on our web site or call the office for a CD.  Here are a few of the points I made based on the three terms elder, overseer/bishop, and shepherd/pastor.

An elder is QUALIFIED to serve.  The term “elder” implies the qualities required to serve faithfully.  Elders GUIDE the congregation by experience and knowledge and prayer.  These qualifications are mostly general qualities that describe the character of the man who would serve as a shepherd of God’s flock.  They indicate that the overseer of God’s people must be a good man.  They tell us that an elder of God’s church must be a mature, spiritual, godly man.  Elders have the trust and respect of the congregation.  They are looked to by the congregation as examples who demonstrate by their words and deeds what it means to follow Jesus as Lord.  They bring guidance and counsel that flows from years of faithfully living and serving Christ in the world. Elders should ask themselves, “Are we acting wisely in the best interest of the church, spending our time and energy on the most important needs of this church family?”

In next week’s article I’ll share more on the teaching and applications from the next two terms.