Worship Plan through the end of March:

Our Shepherds connect daily to discuss the latest updates and to coordinate our response.  In light of the medical and governmental agencies’ requests for us to limit our interactions, we are suspending all gatherings at the church building for the rest of March.

Our worship, classes, and interactions will all be online.  Our Sunday morning worship service will “meet” Sunday morning at 10:00, but instead of gathering physically, we will all gather online at the same time. Our service will still contain songs, prayers, the Lord’s Supper, an opportunity to give, and a sermon.  The only difference will be you will be in your home and online. So just like any other Sunday, please plan to gather with your brothers and sisters Sunday at 10:00.  The link to the online worship is below.

Good news, we know that sometimes the early Christians met in their homes, sometimes they were isolated from each other, and we know they longed to be back together.   As we walk a similar path, we can take great solace that they thrived, and the church grew!

Action Items:

  1. Please contact the church office to get prepackaged communion bread and juice for your communion time at home.
  2. Setup up your computer, phone or internet-enabled TV with either:
    1. Our YouTube channel – www.southforkcofc.org/youtube
    2. Our Facebook Group Page –southforkcofc.org/facebook ( Be sure to request to join this group.  This is an excellent place to comment and connect.)
    3. Our Church website – www.southforkcofc.org
  3. Online Giving – www.southforkcofc.org/give
  4. Join us online at 10 am as we worship online and in the home.

Again, we are suspending all gatherings at the building for the remainder of March.  We will reevaluate the situation then. We expect we will need to maintain our “Social Distancing” for much longer than the next ten days. Our leadership will continue to monitor, pray, and discuss what steps are most prudent as we move into the Spring.

Let’s move forward together.  Join us and stay connected because we are Faithful Followers.

Peace and blessings,

Matt Huddleston

We serve a mighty God. These precautions are not taken in fear. We are trying to be diligent, wise, and continue to keep our focus on Him!


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