Since 1956 Christians have been meeting as the South Fork Church of Christ, called to serve Christ in what was once the western edge of Winston-Salem.  The South Fork congregation is now a diverse family from all over the Triad that meets in the heart of Winston-Salem. We invite you to join us as we reach out to the community around us with God’s message of hope, love and salvation.

Our Beliefs

Our Mission:

Love God

Love People

Help People Love God

Meet Our Ministers & Staff:

Matt Huddleston
Matt HuddlestonLead Minister
T.J. Bostic
T.J. BosticYouth & Family Minister
Levi Huddleston
Levi HuddlestonDigital Support
Jo Morris
Jo MorrisEvent Coordinator
Jan Palmer
Jan PalmerFacility Upkeep
Jennifer Hudson
Jennifer HudsonFacility Upkeep

Meet Our Shepherds

Charlie Branch
Charlie BranchShepherd
Glen Cannon
Glen CannonShepherd
Scott Mills
Scott MillsShepherd
Tom Vance
Tom VanceShepherd

Meet Our Deacons:

Brian Ashley
Brian AshleyChildren's Ministries Deacon
Bryan Bradshaw
Bryan BradshawChildren's Ministries Deacon
Brad Coffield
Brad CoffieldFamily Growth Deacon
David Essic
David EssicFamily Ministries Deacon
Ernie Garcia
Ernie GarciaMarketing & Technology Deacon
Scott Howerton
Scott HowertonFamily Ministries Deacon
Mike Larson
Mike LarsonOutreach & Missions Deacon
Tom Long
Tom LongMember Services
Nick Mattacchione
Nick MattacchioneChildren's Ministries Deacon
Michael Parrish
Michael ParrishFamily Growth Deacon
Joseph Rajacich
Joseph RajacichMember Services Deacon
Jeff Trinh
Jeff TrinhYouth Ministries Deacon
Roger Warner
Roger WarnerBenevolence Deacon
Grant Wilburn
Grant WilburnOutreach & Missions Deacon