Youth & Family Ministries
Here at South Fork, we believe that no matter what your age is, you belong in God’s Kingdom. Along with our vibrant Kids and Adults ministries, we feature a vibrant Youth Group as well. Check out some of the ways to get involved with our Youth Group!
The mission of South Fork’s Youth Ministry is a simple, three-part emphasis on discipleship in the following ways: ensuring that glorifying God is (and remains) our top priority, fostering an environment that encourages teens to deeply desire Christ, and equipping teens with the knowledge and relationships that are needed to face life on their own.


Our mid-week studies are the deepest and most rewarding studies that we have. Here, we are not exploring books written by authors about teen life, contemporary issues, or self-improvements. Here, we focus on what the Scriptures teach. If you’re missing out on meaningful study and want to find out what the Scriptures teach, this is the place to be.
What We’re Studying
Sunday Morning High School Class

Wednesday Night Class

Sunday Morning Middle School Class